Page:The life and times of King Edward VII by Whates, Harry Richard 4.djvu/17

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LIST OF H/I/USTRMMIS EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALES, AND HIS BROTHER Rembrandt Frontispiece. King Edward's First Act as Sovereign facing i The Funeral of Queen Victoria: Crossing the Solent 3 The Procession Passing Through London 5 The Procession leaving Windsor Castle . 7 King Edward VII. .... 9 The Queen Victoria Memorial in London . 10 Buckingham Palace . . . . 1 1 The Memorial at Frogmore . . .12 King Edward VII. and Queen Alexandra Leaving Buckingham Palace . . 15 Edward VII. Opens Parliament . . 16 The Houses of Parliament . . .17 The Britannia and Hindostan in the Dart 18 The Royal Galley of the Britannia . 19 Prince Albert Victor .... 20 Prince George . . . . .21 H.M. Gunboat Thrush . . . .22 The Duke of York and the Officers of the Crescent ...... 23 Princess Victoria Mary .... 24 The Duke of York . . . .25 The Duke of York's Family in 1898 . 26 Royal Yacht Ophir .... 29 Map of the Royal Route . . .30 The Breakwater at Colombo . . .31 A Street in Singapore . . . .32 Parliament House, Melbourne . . 33 The Inauguration of Australian Common- wealth ...... 35 Opening of the First Parliament of the Commonwealth by the Duke of York 37 Another View ..... A March Past of Cadets Corroboree of Australian Aboriginals Government House, Brisbane. The New Flag of the Commonwealth Auckland from the Sea Scene in a Maori Village A Maori Chief ..... Sports of the Maoris .... Government Offices, Adelaide. The Town Hall, Durban The Defences of Ladysmith . The Arrival of the Ophir in Simon's Bay The Parliament House at Cape Town The Ophir Lying ofl Quebec . Main Street, Winnipeg, as it Was . The Duke and Duchess Driving into Van- couver, B.C. . . The Duke and Duchess at Victoria, B.C. New Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. Return of the Ophir : The Royal Party at Portsmouth .... Sir J. C. Dimsdale .... Lord Rosebery ..... Arrival of Prince and Princess of Wales at the Guildhall .... The Guildhall Prepared for a Banquet . Queen Alexandra .... King Edward VII. .... The " Coronation " Vestibule, Westminster Abbey ...... The King's Entry into his Capital on the Eve of his Illness .... PAGE 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 61 62 62 63 64 66 67 68 69