Page:The life and times of King Edward VII by Whates, Harry Richard 4.djvu/19

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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS XI Prisoners of War : The Last March of Cronje's Men . . . . .158 The Boers' Prison, Jamestown St. Helena 159 Free State Burghers Coming to Kroonstad to Deliver up Rifles and Ammunition 161 Boer Leaders Discussing Peace Proposals Under British Auspices . . .162 The Memorial Service in St. Paul's Cathedral 163 Peace Rejoicings Outside the Mansion House, London . . . .165 The Proclamation Being Read at Pretoria 167 Cecil Rhodes' Tomb in the Matoppo Hills 168 Mr. Gladstone in 1895 .170 Mr. G. J. Goschen . . . -171 Mr. A. J. Balfour. .... 173 Sir Wilfrid Lavvson . . . .174 Lord Lansdowne . . . . 175 Mr. Gerald Balfour . . . .176 The Duke of Norfolk . . . .176 The General Post Office, St. Martin's-le- Grand . . . . . 177 The Bank of England . . . .177 The Old Bailey . . . .178 The New Old Bailey . . . 179 The Home Office and Colonial Office Build- ings, Whitehall . . . .180 The Foreign Office, as Seen from St. James's Park . . . . .181 Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman . . .182 The Rt. Hon. St. John Brodrick . .183 The New War Office Building in Whitehall 185 Lord Milner . . . . . .186 Mr. Justin McCarthy . . . .187 A Hundred Years of Empire Expansion (Maps) ...... 189 King Edward's Visit to the German Emperor. . . . ."" -191 The Review at Spithead . . .192 Port Arthur at the Time of the Chino- Japanese War . ".- . .194 Battle Between Chinese and Japanese Troops 195 The Fight at the Mouth of the Yalu Kiau-Chau Bay ...... Vladivostok . Laying the Railway in Manchuria . The Harbour at Wei-hai-wei . Emperor Nicholas II. of Russia The Late Dowager Empress of China The Late Emperor of China . Plan of Peking ..... A Street in Peking . The " Altar of Heaven " Sir Claude MacDonald .... General Kuropatkin .... Admiral Togo ..... General Stossel ..... Shell Fire at Port Arthur The Trawler Crane Sinking . ... Bringing Back the Dead and Wounded to Hull Mr. Balfour Addressing the London Cham- ber of Commerce Deputation . The Marquis of Salisbury President Grover Cleveland Lord Russell of Killowen Lord Herschell ..... The Wreck of the Maine King Edward VII. and Four of his Grand- children, 1902 ..... The Scene of the Fashoda Incident Mr. Chamberlain's Return from South Africa : Welcome in the House of Commons ..... The Late King of Portugal . . Gibraltar ...... Malta King Edward VII. . . . . The King of Italy .... The Meeting of King Edward VII. and President Loubet .... King Edward VII. Arriving at the Grand Opera House, Paris. PAGE 197 198 199 200 20 1 203 204 205 207 208 209 21 I 212 213 214 .215 216 217 219 2 2O 221 222 223 224 225 226 229 231 232 233 235 237 239 24O f H f (Pit!* *