Page:The life of Matthew Flinders.djvu/586

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Townshend Island—Cook had so named the Cape which is its prominent feature.

Leicester Island.

Aken's Island, after the Master of the Investigator.

Strongtide Passage.

Double Mount.

Mount Funnel, from its form.

Upper Head.

Percy Isles, after the Northumberland family.

Eastern Fields, coral banks near Torres Strait.

Pandora's Entrance, after the Pandora.

Half-way Island, convenient anchorage for ships going through Torres Strait.

Good Island, after Peter Good, the botanist.

VOYAGE OF THE INVESTIGATOR (in the Gulf of Carpentaria)—

Duyfken Point, after the first vessel which entered the Gulf of Carpentaria.

Pera Head, after the second vessel that sailed along this coast in 1623.

Sweers Island, after a member of the Batavia Council in Tasman's time.

Inspection Hill.

Lord William Bentinck's Island (now Bentinck Island), after the Governor of Madras.

Allen's Island, after the "Miner"—i.e., Geologist—of the Investigator.

Horseshoe Island.

Investigator Road.

Pisonia Isle, from the soft white wood of the Pisonia tree found upon it.

Bountiful Island.

Wellesley Island, Mornington Isle—After the Marquess Wellesley, Governor-General of India, whose earlier title was Lord Mornington.