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With an Introduction by BISHOP SIMPSON, D.D., LL.D

New York: Phillips & Hunt. Cincinnati: Hitchcock & Walden.


The story of Dr. Eddy's life, in its every part, as well as whole, is an inspiration to the reader in the direction of the most untiring activities and the intensest personal devotion to the best interests of Church and country.—Christian Advocate.

What a man ! what a book ! Nearly all the great men I have ever known grow smaller in books ; but Dr. Eddy is certainly an exception. Exalted as were my ideas of the man, since reading the book they are higher and broader than ever before.—J. T. Peck, Bishop M. E. Ch.

The life of Dr. Eddy, whose praise is in all the Churches, has been very finely sketched in these pages by his earnest friend and admirer, Dr. Sims. The author indulges in no fulsome praise, but gives a picture of the distinguished preacher, in all his eloquence and power, as he appeared to those who listened to his inspiring words, as an editor wielding the ready pen, and as a man in his social, family, and private life. As a whole, it is an intensely interesting biography, gratifying to his friends, satisfactory to the Church and to all who knew him, and a valuable addition to Church literature. A very life-like steel portrait accompanies the book.—Western Christian Advocate.

Let every young preacher read these pages. They will direct, encourage, cheer. Not to every one, not to many, are given his talents, but all can use those given them as faithfully as he used his, and with their one win as happy a prize as his ten gained him.—G. Haven, Bishop M. E. Church.

If you wish to review your pleasant associations connected with Dr. Eddy, do not fail to obtain and read this biography. It is a leaf of life, and, if you knew the man, your own life has taken some color from it, as the living leaf reflects its brighter hues in the stream below.—Methodist.