Page:The lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the time of Dean Swift - Volume 4.djvu/108

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The Life of

to omit it.——His words are——‘Inſtead of endeavouring to raiſe a vain monument to myſelf, let me leave behind me a memorial of my friendſhip with one of the moſt valuable men, as well as the fineſt writers of my age and country. One who has tried, and knows by his own experience, how hard an undertaking it is to do juſtice to Homer, and one who I’m ſure ſincerely rejoices with me at the period of my labours. To him therefore, having brought this long work to a concluſion, I deſire to dedicate it, and have the honour and ſatisfaction of placing together in this manner, the names of Mr. Congreve and of

