Page:The lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the time of Dean Swift - Volume 4.djvu/138

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The Life of

Mr. Marvel was not endowed with the gift of eloquence, for he ſeldom ſpoke in the houſe; but was however capable of forming an excellent judgment of things, and was ſo acute a diſcerner of characters, that his opinion was greatly valued, and he had a powerful influence over many of the Members without doors. Prince Rupert particularly eſteemed him, and whenever he voted agreeable to the ſentiments of Mr. Marvel, it was a ſaying of the oppoſite party, he has been with his tutor. The intimacy between this illuſtrious foreigner, and our author was ſo great, that when it was unſafe for the latter to have it known where he lived, on account of ſome miſchief which was threatened him, the prince would frequently viſit him in a diſguiſed habit. Mr. Marvel was often in ſuch danger of aſſaſſination, that he was obliged to have his letters directed to him in another name, to prevent any diſcovery that way. He made himſelf obnoxious to the government, both by his actions, and writings; and notwithſtanding his proceedings were all contrary to his private intereſt, nothing could ever ſhake his reſolution, of which the following is a notable inſtance, and tranſmits our author’s name with luſtre to poſterity.

One night he was entertained by the King, who had often been delighted with his company: his Majeſty next day ſent the lord treaſurer Danby to find oat his lodging; Mr. Marvel, then rented a room up two pair of ſtairs, in a little court in the Strand, and was writing when the lord treaſurer opened the door abruptly upon him. Surprized at the ſight of ſo unexpected a viſitor, Mr. Marvel told his lordſhip, that he believed he had miſtaken his way; the lord Danby replied, not now I have found Mr. Marvel: telling him that he came with a meſſage from his Majeſty, which was to know what he could do to ſerve
