Page:The lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the time of Dean Swift - Volume 4.djvu/186

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The Life of

New joys tumultuous in her boſom rowl,
And all Adonis ruſheth on her ſoul.
Tranſported with each dear reſembling grace,
Ahe cries, Adonis!——Sure I ſee thy face!
Then ſtoops to claſp the beauteous form, but fears
He’d wake too ſoon, and with a ſigh forbears;
Yet, fix’d in ſilent rapture, ſtands to gaze,
Kiſſing each flow’ring bud that round him plays.
Swell’d with the touch, each animated roſe
Expands; and ſtrait with warmer purple glows:
Where infant kiſſes bloom, a balmy ſtore!
Redoubling all the bliſs ſhe felt before.
Sudden, her ſwans career along the ſkies,
And o’er the globe the fair celeſtial flies.
Then, as where Ceres paſs’d, the teeming plain,
Yellow’d with wavy crops of golden grain;
So fruitful kiſſes fell where Venus flew;
And by the power of genial magic grew:
A plenteous harveſt! which ſhe deign’d t’impart
To ſooth an agonizing love-ſick heart.
All hail, ye Roſeat kiſſes! who remove
Our cares, and cool the calenture of love.
Lo! I your poet in melodious lays,
Bleſs your kind pow’r; enamoured of your praiſe:
Lays! form’d to laſt, ’till barb’rous time invades
The muſes hill, and withers all their ſhades.
Sprung from the Guardian[1] of the Roman name,
In Roman numbers live ſecure of fame.

Joannis Secundi Baſum IId. tranſlated.

An Epiſtle to Thomas Lambard Eſq;

An Ode to the right hon. John lord Gower.

  1. Venus.