Page:The lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the time of Dean Swift - Volume 4.djvu/201

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Schiſm deſtructive of the Government, both in Church and State; being a Defence of the Bill intitled An Act to prevent the Growth of Schiſm; wherein all the Objections againſt it, and particularly thoſe in ’Squire Steele’s Letter are fully Refuted. Humbly offered to the Conſideration of the Houſe of Lords, 8 vo. 1714, ſecond Edition.

More News from Saliſbury, viz. 1. An Examination of ſome Parts of the Biſhop of Sarum’s Sermon and Charge, &c. 8 vo. 1714.

The Reaſons for writing againſt the Biſhop of Saliſbury, 8 vo. 1714.

The Life of Mr. John Philips, Author of the Poem on Cyder.

Dr. Sewel died at Hampſtead in Middleſex, where, in the latter part of his life, he had practiſed phyſic, on the 8th of February 1726, and was buried there. He ſeems to have been a man of an amiable diſpoſition, and to have poſſeſſed a very conſiderable genius.
