Page:The lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the time of Dean Swift - Volume 4.djvu/214

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The Life of

who can ſit deliberately down to ſearch for errors only, muſt have a ſtrong propenſion to calumny, or at leaſt take delight in triumphing over the weakneſs of his fellow creatures, which is ſurely no indication of a good heart.

Mr. Oldmixon, being employ’d by biſhop Kennet, in publiſhing the Hiſtorians in his collection, he perverted Daniel’s Chronicle in numberleſs places. Yet this very man, in the preface to the firſt of theſe, advanced a particular fact, to charge three eminent perſons of interpolating the lord Clarendon’s Hiſtory; which fact has been diſproved by the biſhop of Rocheſter, Dr. Atterbury, then the only ſurvivor of them; and the particular part he pretended to be falſified produced ſince, after almoſt ninety years, in that noble author’s own hand.

He was all his life a virulent Party-Writer, and received his reward in a ſmall poſt in the revenue at Liverpool, where he died in an advanced age, but in what year we cannot learn.

Mr. Oldmixon, beſides the works we have mentioned, was author of a volume of Poems, publiſhed in 1714.

The Life of Arthur Maynwaring, Eſq; prefixed to the works of that author, by Mr. Oldmixon.

England’s Hiſtorical Epiſtles (Drayton’s revived).

The Life of queen Anne.
