Page:The lives of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the time of Dean Swift - Volume 4.djvu/259

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G. Granville, L. Lansdowne.

Thynne, Eſq.; (father of Thomas lord viſcount Weymouth) and daughter of Edward Villiers, earl of Jerſey, he had iſſue, four daughters, Anne, Mary, Grace and Elizabeth.

His lady died but a few days before him.

Mr. Pope, with many other poets of the firſt eminence, have celebrated lord Lanſdowne, who ſeems to have been a good-natur’d agreeable nobleman. The luſtre of his ſtation no doubt procured him more incenſe, than the force of his genius would otherwiſe have attracted; but he appears not to have been deſtitute of fine parts, which were however rather elegantly poliſhed, than great in themſelves.

Lord Landſdowne likewiſe wrote a Maſque, called Peleus and Thetis. His lordſhip’s works have been often printed both in quarto and in duo-decimo.
