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the looking-glass.

Testimonial of the Passengers on board the

Isla de Cuba.

Barque Isla de Cuba,

Approaching the Port of Monrovia, W A.

December 17, 1853


At a meeting of the passengers held to express their feelings in regard to the excellent qualities and conveniences of the barque, and their high appreciation of her officers, the Rev. D.H. Peterson was called to the chair, and A. Washington and William Nesbitt appointed Secretaries. After prayer, by Rev. Samuel Williams, and thanksgiving to God for his mercy and kind protection in guiding u S safely over the boisterous seas and through violent storms, and permitting us to gaze over the sunny hills and verdant vales of our long-desired and adopted land, a brief, eloquent, and appropriate address was delivered by Mr. Alfred Truman. After this, the Committee reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: