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the looking-glass.

found upon examination that such was not the ease. He was taken into tin' Captain's apartment and made as comfortable as possible. He was bled, robbed, &c.

16th. Very warm and calm. Scarcely any wind. Thank the Lord, the mate is much better. We saw another sea-turtle. The Captain went after it in a boat, but it sank beneath the water on his approach. The Captain went a third time to take a turtle, but it escaped him. One day's fair wind would bring us to land. We caught some small fish that they call the sea eel.

17th. We are thirty-nine days out. Very warm and calm. We are in sight of land at this time. We called a public meeting this afternoon to return thanks to the Captain and Crew for their kind treatment of us during the passage, and also to express our gratitude towards our friends in America. We had a good time together, the Captain being present.

18th. Sabbath. We arrived off Cape Mount, forty miles from Liberia. A beautiful scene indeed, A small boat came off to the ship from the shore containing two natives who were perfectly naked. We spoke with them as they came alongside. One of them spoke the French language. Both of them were fine-looking men. They were the first human