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Peg Legs

These low-priced legs are carefully fitted, and, excepting No. 242, are covered with rawhide and enameled the same as the legs with feet. They have heavy iron ferrules screwed to the bottom, in which a rubber cushion is used. If desired at some future time, a foot and ankle may be attached. Measurements, mould, profiles, etc., same as for leg with foot, excepting that no foot measurements are required, and length of sound leg should be taken with shoe on.

The prices include suspenders and stump stock.

Number 238

Peg leg without knee joint, for amputation above the knee; wooden socket; adjustable leather lacing socket used if preferred. Price, including suspenders, $18.

Number 239

Peg leg with knee joint, for amputation above the knee; shown with wooden socket; adjustable leather lacing socket used if preferred; automatic lock, making knee stiff in standing; pressing the button in the back part of joint releases the knee lock so that joint may be flexed in sitting. Price, including suspenders, $25.

Number 240

Peg leg with wooden socket, for amputation below the knee. Price, including suspenders, if desired, $25.

Number 241

Peg leg with adjustable leather lacing socket, for amputation below the knee. Price, including suspenders, if desired, $25.

Number 242

Skeleton peg leg for amputation below the knee, to be used with knee resting on pad. The measurements required: distance from knee to floor, diameter through the knee from side to side outside clothing. State whether for right or left leg. Price $8.