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A List of Books Published.

Thomas De Quincey.

Conressions or AN Encuisn OpruM-Earer, axp Sus-PIRIA DE PRorunpis. With Portrait. 76 cents,

BroGRaruicat Essays. 75 cents.

Miscetnanrous Essays, 75 cents.

The Casars. 75 cents.

Literary Reminiscences. 2 vols. $1.50.

Naxrative AND MisceLLanrous Parens. 2 vols. $1.50,

Essays ON THE Poets, &c. I vol. 16mo. 75 cents.

Historicar ano Criricar Essays. 2 vols. $1.50.


Essays on Poitosopnrcan Writers, &c. 2 vols. 16mo. $1.50.

Lerrers ro a Youne Man, and other Papers. I vol. 75 cents.

TreonoeicaL Essays AND OTHER PApERs. 2 vols.


Tur Nore Boox. I vol. 75 cents.

Memoriars anp oruer Parers. 2 vols. 16mo. $1.50.

Tae AVENGER AND oTAER Parrrs. I vol. 75 cents.

Logie or Porrricat Economy, and other Papers. I vol. 76 cents,

Alfred Tennyson.

Poetical Works. With Portrait. 2 vols. Cloth. $2.00. Pocket Eprriox or Poems Comp Lere. 75 cents.

The Princess. Cloth. 50 cents.

In Memoriam. Cloth. 75 cents.

Maud, And other Poems. Cloth. 50 cents.

Ipyzs or THE King. A new volume. Cloth. 75 cents.

Barry Cornwall.

English Songs any other Small Poems. $1.00.

Dramatic Poems. Just published. $1.00.

Essays and Tales inProse. 2 vols, $1.50.