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by Ticknor and Fields.

Mrs. Howe.

Passion Flowers. 75 cents.

Words for the Hour. 75 cents.

The World's Own. 50 cents.

A Trip to Cuba. 1 vol. 16mo. 75 cents.

Alice Cary.

Poems. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.00.

Crovennook CHILDREN. With Plates. 75 cents.

Mrs. Eliza B. Lee.

Memoir of the Buckminsters. $1.25.

Florence, the Parish Orphan, 40 cents.

Parraenia. 1 vol. 16mo, $1.00.

Samuel Smiles.

Lire or Grorcy Sreprenson: EnGInrer. $1.00.

Self Help; with Illustrations or CHARACTER AND Conduct. 1 vol. 75 cents.

Blanchard Jerrold.

Doveras Jenrorp's Wrr. 75 cents.

Lire anp Lerrers or Dovucrias Jerroup. $1.00.


Recollections of Shelley and Byron. 75 cents.

Charles Sprague.

Poetical and Prose Writings. With fine Portrait. Boards. 75 cents.

Mrs. Lawrence.

Light on the Dark River: or Memoirs of Mrs. Hamlin. 1 vol. 16mo, Cloth. $1.00