Page:The military and civil history of Connecticut during the war of 1861-65 - comprising a detailed account of the various regiments and batteries, through march, encampment, bivouac (IA

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The Tenth Connecticut Volunteere at Newbeme. - Expedition to the laterior. - The Tarborough Scout.- Forage and Rations. — An Incident of Slavers. - The Battle of Kinston. - The Tenth at the Front. - The Contest for the Bridge. - Complimented by Gen. Foster. Henry Losses. - The Railroad destroyed at Goldsborough. - Gallauntry. -10 St. Helena Island. - Camp and Surroundings. - The Eighteenth Connecticut Volunteers still at Baltimore. -Joins Milroy at Winchester. — The Situation.- Battle of the First Day. - The Second Day at the Intrenchments. The Evacuation—The Charge into the Woods—Surrender of the Eighteenth.—Casualties.—Colors saved


Battle of Chancellorsville. - Advance upon the Flank. - The Fifth, Fourteenth, Seventeenth, Twentieth, and Tweaty-seventh Connecticut Regiments engaged. - The 11th Corps overwhelmed by Stone wall Jackson. - Terrible Battle of May 3. - Heavy Losses of the Twentieth Connecticut Volunteers. - The Twenty-seventh Regiment captured. - A New Line of Battle. - Witlıdrawal of the Army, and Failure of the Movement. -Losses of the Connecticut Regiments. - Prisoners of War


Race of the Hostile Armies Northward. - Battle of Gettysburg. - The Fifth, Fourteenth, Seventeentlı, Twentieth, and Twenty-seventh Connecticut Regiments engaged, Second Light Battery. - The Affair of July 1. - The Assault of July 2. - Attack on the Loft Flank. - Terrible Fighting of July 3.- Connecticut Correspondents. - The Losses in our Regiments.- Scenes on the Battle-Field. – The “ Fourth of July." - Tardy Pursuit of Lee. - Our Troops again in Virginia.


Biograplical Sketch of Admiral Foote. - His Adventures, Battles, and Death. – Banks's Expedition. - Feint towards Port Hudson. - March Southward. - Battle of Irish Bend. - The Cotton-Raid up the Atchafalnya. Investment of Port Hudson. — The Fight of May 27.- The Twelfth, Thirteenth, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, and Twenty eighth Connecticut. - The Charge of June 14. - Failure and Heavy Losses. - The Twenty-fourth in the Cotton-Fort. - The Forlorn Hope. - Our Roll of Honor. - Surrender of Port Hudson


After the Capture of Port Hudson. - The Twelfth, Thirteenth, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty--ixth, and Twenty-eighth Connecticut Regiments.- Casualties. Incidents of the Battle. - The Twenty-third in Southern Louisiana. - Guarding the Railroad. - At Irashear City. - Battle and Capture. - Casualties. - Imprisonment in Texas. - Return Home of the Nine-months' Regiments.


Sixth and Seventh in Florida. - The Advance on Charleston. - The Situation at Folly and Morris Islands. - Gen. Terry and the Tenth on Janes Island. - A Detachment of the Seventh the first to land on Morris Island. - Capture of the Batteries. --The Battalion of the Seventh in the First Charge on Wagner: --Fight on James Island. The First Connecticut littery.- Daring Charge of the Sixth on Wagner. – Three Service of the Seventeenth Connecticut Volunteers. Heavy litteries. — Bombardment of Sumter. - Capture of Wagner and Gregg. - The Lolloflonor. - The Sixth at Hilton Head. - The Seventh at St. Helena Island. - The Seventeenth on Folly Island. - The Tenth in Florida. - Death of Col. Chatfield,


More Trompa wanted. - A Draft. - The Result. - Call for Seven Hundred Thousand Men.– Seven Hured Dollars' Bounty. - Work of l'ecruiting - The Twenty-ninth Regint.- Enlistment and Departure. - Re-euli-tment of Vet 119.- Recruiting Rapid. The Quotal of the Srate full, with a Surplus - Soiliers-ail Societies. - Wayford, Bridgeport, New Haven, Norwich, Danbury, Derby. - The Work at llume and in the Field. - A Thanksgiving Dimmer