Page:The military and civil history of Connecticut during the war of 1861-65 - comprising a detailed account of the various regiments and batteries, through march, encampment, bivouac (IA

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Spring of 1865. – The Beginning of the End. -- Petersburg. - Rebel Assault on Fort Stedman. - Repulse. - Service of the First Connecticut Artillery. - The Second Artillery and the Fourteenth on the Left. - The Tenth and Thirtieth. - 'The First Cavalry at Fire Forlss. - The Tenth at Fort Gregg. - Unsurpassed Gallantry. -Advance of the Whole Line. - Lee evacuates Petersburg and Richmond. - The Retreat and Pursuit. - First Cavalry at Sailor's Creek. - Lee surrounded. - The Surrender. - In North Carolina. - The Capitulation of Johnston's Army.


Matters at Home. - General Assembly of 1865. - The Governor's Blessage. - Legislation. Number of Solliers sent from the State. - Our Regiments after the Close of the War. - Two Pictures from Richmond. - Terry and Hawley in Virginis. - Presentations. - Juster-out of Connecticut Regiments. The Fourteenth - Twentieth. -First. Second, and Third Light Batteries, -Twenty-first. - Eighteenth.- Sixteenth.- Fifteenth. – Fifth. - Seventeenth.- First Cavalry. - Sixth. – Seventh. -Twelfth. - Second Artillery. - Ninth. - Tenth. - First Artillery - Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth. - Eighth and Eleventh. - Thirteenth. - Thanks of the Legislatare.


The Sons of Connecticut residing in New York. - The Connecticut Agency in New York. The Agency in Wasbington. Gen. Alken's Visit to Washington. - Connecticut in the Navy. - The Expenses for War Purposes. -- The Generals of Connecticut. Organizations and Casualties. - Roll of Honor.- Our Martyrs at Andersonville