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outen both their pockets, this ain't no time for to go hatchin' fresh miseries. And I never, not once, all these dozen years seen Massa Joe go a callin' and a visitin' nobody, not for just pure visit. Whenever he has, 'twas 'cause there was some sort of business tacked on to the end of it somehow. Huh! I never done looked for this, I didn't."

Neither had the lady expected the call which was made upon her. But she greeted her guest with a friendly courtesy that made him all the more remorseful for the legal difficulties he had placed in her way in the past, and quite ready to offer his apologies for the same at a fitting opportunity. At present his visit was to express his gratitude for her services to Josephine, and to ask her advice.

"My advice, Mr. Smith? I am the last person in the world to advise so capable a person as yourself. My opinion you're most welcome to, if you explain what I should express it about," she returned.

"The little girl, Josephine;" and he told all he knew and had thought concerning her; fin-