Page:The mislaid uncle (IA mislaiduncle00raym).pdf/42

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through to Baltimore and no expense is to be spared by anybody concerned, that she makes the trip in safety and the greatest possible comfort. We flatter ourselves, madam, that our company can fix the thing as it should be. She's not the first little human 'parcel' we've handled successfully. Is there anything you'd like, Miss"—

He paused, pulled a notebook from his pocket, discovered her name, and concluded:

"Miss Josephine Smith?"

"Smith, Josephine Smith, singular!" murmured Mrs. Kimono, under her breath. "But not so singular after all. Smith is not an uncommon name, nor Baltimore the only city where Smiths reside."

Meanwhile the express agent had taken Josephine's hand in his, and was carefully guiding her back through the many carriages to the one where she belonged. His statement that Doctor Mack had put her into his care made her consider him an old friend, and loosened her tongue accordingly.

Porter Bob received her with a smile, and