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Knock-down.—A ceremony insisted upon by ladies who decline to be "picked up"; a formal introduction.

Knock-out drops.—Drugged or impure liquor.

Knock-out punch.—A knock-down blow.

Knut.—A fop; a well-dressed idler.

Lark.—A practical joke; a sportive jest.



Leery.—Vulgar; low.

Leeuwin.—Cape Leeuwin on the South-West coast of Australia.

Lid.—The hat. To dip the lid.— To raise the hat.

Limit.—The end; the full length.

Line up.—To approach; to accost.


Lip.—Impertinence. To give it lip.—To talk vociferously.

Little Bourke.—Little Bourke Street, Melbourne, Australia.

Little Lons.—Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Australia.

Lob, to.—To arrive.

'Loo.—Woolloomooloo, a part of Sydney.

Lumme.—Love me.

Lurk.—A plan of action; a regular occupation.

Mafeesh.—Finish; I am finished.

Mag.—To scold or talk noisily.

Mallee.—A species of Eucalypt; the country where the Mallee grows.

Mash.—To woo; to pay court, s. A lover.

Maul.—To lays hands upon, either violently or with affection.

Meet, a.—An assignation.

Mill.—A bout of fisticuffs.

Mix.—To mix it; to fight strenuously.