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'E SEZ to me, "Wot's orl this flamin' war?
  The papers torks uv nothin' else but scraps.
An' wot's ole England got snake-'eaded for?
  An' wot's the strength uv callin' out our chaps?"
'E sez to me, "Struth! Don't she rule the sea?
Wot does she want wiv us?" 'e sez to me.
Ole Ginger Mick is loadin' up 'is truck
  One mornin' in the markit feelin' sore.
'E sez to me, "Well, mate, I've done me luck;
  An' Rose is arstin', 'Wot about this war?'
I'm gone a tenner at the two-up school;
The game is crook, an' Rose is turnin' cool."

'E sez to me, "'Ow is it fer a beer?"
  I tips 'im 'ow I've told me wife, Doreen,
That when I comes down to the markit 'ere
  I dodges pubs, an' chucks the tipple, clean.
Wiv 'er an' kid alone up on the farm
She's full uv fancies that I'll come to 'arm.