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Ginger's Cobber

E WEARS perjarmer soots an' cleans 'is teeth,"
That's wot I reads. It fairly knocked me flat,
"Me soljer cobber, be the name o' Keith."
Well, if that ain't the limit, strike me fat!
The sort that Ginger Mick would think beneath
'Is notice once. Perjarmers! Cleans 'is teeth!

Ole Ginger Mick 'as sent a billy-doo
Frum somew'ere on the earth where fightin's thick.
The Censor wus a sport to let it thro',
Considerin' the choice remarks o' Mick.
It wus that 'ot, I'm wond'rin' since it came
It didn't set the bloomin' mail aflame.

I'd love to let yeh 'ave it word fer word;
But, strickly, it's a bit above the odds;
An' there's remarks that's 'ardly ever 'eard
Amongst the company to w'ich we nods.
It seems they use the style in Ginger's trench
Wot's written out an' 'anded to the Bench.