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Mick spent a bonzer day propped up in bed,
Soothin' 'is soul wiv ev'ry sportin' page;
But in the football noos the things 'e read
Near sent 'im orf 'is top wiv 'oly rage;
The way 'is team 'as mucked it earned 'is curse;
But 'e jist swallered it—becos uv nurse.

An' then this 'eadline 'it 'im wiv bokays;
"Australian Heroes!" is the song it makes.
Mick reads the boys them ringin' words o' praise;
But they jist grins a bit an' sez "Kid stakes!"
Sez Mick to nurse, "You tumble wot I am?
A bloomin' little 'ero. Pass the jam!"

Mick don't say much uv nurse; but 'tween the lines—
('Im bein' not too strong on gushin' speech)—
I seem to see some tell-tale sort o' signs.
Sez 'e, "Me nurse-girl is a bonzer peach."
An' then 'e 'as a line: "'Er sad, sweet look."
'Struth! Ginger must 'a' got it frum a book.

Say, I can see ole Ginger, plain as plain,
Purrin' to feel the touch uv 'er cool 'and,
Grinnin' a bit to kid 'is wound don't pain,
An' yappin' tork she don't 'arf understand.
That makes er wonder if, back where she lives.
They're all reel men be'ind them ugly chivs.