Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/130

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would not wonder if he were dead." Garban was the name of the man; and it is of him Patrick said: "The covering of Garban shall be the covering of a dead body; but I shall tell you more: it is Garban who will be under it." His friends removed the covering from his face, so that they found it so. They afterwards became mute, and then said: "Truly this is a man of God." They all believed at once. Mac Cuill believed also; and he went on sea in a cot of one hide, by the command of Patrick. Garban was awakened from death through the prayers of Patrick. Mac Cuill, however, went that very day on sea, and his right hand towards Magh-Inis, until he reached Manann; and he found two venerable persons before him on the island. It was they who preached the word of God in Manann, and it is through their teaching that the people of that island were baptized and believed; their names are Coninnri and Romael. When those men saw Mac Cuill in his cot, they took him off the sea; they received him kindly; and he learned the divine knowledge with them, and spent his whole time with them, until he got the episcopacy of the place after them. This is Mac Cuill, of Mann, famous bishop and abbot. May his holy favor assist us!

One time Patrick slept on a Sunday, on a hill over the sea, at Drombo, when he heard the noise of Gentiles digging a rath on the Sabbath. He called them, and told them to cease. They heeded him not, but began to mock him. And Patrick said: "My debroth, your labor shall not profit you." This was fulfilled; for on the following night a great tempest arose and destroyed their work, according to the word of Patrick.

Patrick said to Eochaidh, son of Muiredach that there