Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/208

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perdition, and thou, with all that were partners in thine offence, shouldst justly, even at this instant, go into eternal punishment; but since thou humbly besought of me forgiveness, and, like the King Achab, hast humbled thyself before my God, the Lord will not at this time bring on thee the evil which thou hast deserved; yet shall none of thy seed sit on thy throne after thee, but they shall become servants unto thy brother, who will believe in Christ, and to his posterity for ever and ever." But the queen believed in Christ, and was baptized and blessed of Patrick, and at length, with a pious end, rested in the Lord. And he went forward with his people, baptizing in the name of the Holy Trinity all those who believed, while the Lord assisted and confirmed his labors with manifold miracles.


Of the Sisters and the Nephews of St. Patrick.

And the saint had three sisters, memorable for their holiness and for their justice, and they were pleasing unto the Lord; and of these the names were Lupita, Tygridia, and Darercha. And Tygridia was blessed with a happy fruitfulness, for she brought forth seventeen sons and five daughters. And all her sons became most wise and holy monks, and priests, and prelates; and all her daughters became nuns, and ended their days as holy virgins; and the names of the bishops were Brochadius, Broichanus, Mogenochus, and Lumanus, who, with their uncle, Saint Patrick, going from Britain into Ireland, earnestly laboring together in the field of the