Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/221

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saint, he sought to put him to death. But the Lord fought for Patrick, and the earth in like manner opened and swallowed up the magician, even to his ears. Then the man, being almost swallowed up in the earth, implored pardon of the saint, and promised that he would believe in Christ, and that he would obey his doctrine. And the saint, being moved with pity, prayed for him unto the Lord; and immediately the earth cast him forth, and raised him. And the unmerciful man, being mercifully saved, gave thanks unto the power that had saved him, and believed in Christ, and received the grace of baptism. Thus doth the Lord, distinguishing between the light and darkness, severely condemn the reprobate and obstinate in evil, and mercifully saveth those who fly unto his mercy.


How a huge Stone was raised by the Saint.

And the saint, passing along on a certain day, beheld a multitude of men gathered together, that they might move from its place a very large stone; and they had labored a long time, but in vain; for they were wearied in their strength and fatigued with the unequal attempt, and to raise the stone they prevailed not. Then the saint approached, even as a builder of the temple of the living God to be builded in the Lord; and having prayed and blessed their work, that huge stone, which could not be stirred by an hundred hands, did he alone remove and raise and place in its fit place. And the men who stood around marvelled at this marvellous work, and were converted to believe in the