Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/227

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speaking to the dead man as to one living, he asked him who and of what religion he had been? And the voice answered unto him from the grave that he had been a pagan, altogether ignorant of the Christian faith. "Why, then," said the saint, "bearest thou the cross of Christ, thou who didst never worship or acknowledge Him?" And the voice answered: "He who is buried near me was a Christian; and some one of your faith, coming hither, placed the cross at my head." Thus the voice spake, and was silent. Then the saint descended from his chariot, and removed the cross from that place, and fixed it at the head-stone of him who had been baptized, and prayed for him, and went his way.


Of his Journey, and of his manifold Miracles.

And going out of Connactia, after having confirmed that country in the Christian faith, he went toward the northern part of Ireland, which is called Dalnardia; and the people therein dwelling, by his conversation, and by his example, and by his miracles, did he convert unto the faith of Christ and the sacraments of the faith. Then he passed over the mountain Ficoth, even to the great plain of Bregh, thus traversing through Midia into Lagenia; and everywhere he preached the kingdom of God, and certain of his disciples he advanced in fit places unto the episcopal dignity. But by how many miracles his journey was graced, how many diseased persons he healed, severally to relate, not even the pen of the most eloquent could