Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/236

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and the seduction of mankind, hath entered into his corpse, and occupieth it as his own proper vessel." Then the saint forbade Satan that in that vessel he should longer abide, or deceive mankind with so wicked a phantom. And forthwith, at the command of the man of God, the deceiving spirit quitted his habitation of clay; the which, covered with worms, and raising horror and offence to all, was carried into instant sepulture. Nor let it be wondered that the devil should show himself in the visible form of his accustomed instrument, the God permitting whose judgments are an abyss; but rather let Him be feared who can destroy both body and soul in hell.


Of the Saint's Prophecy concerning the Kings of Momonia.

And the saint, going out of Lagenia, journeyed prosperously forward into the country of Momonia. And the king thereof, who was named Oengus, met the holy prelate, rejoicing and giving thanks in the exultation of his heart, as on that day occasion was ministered unto him of joy and of belief, for that in the morning, when he entered the temple to adore his idols, he beheld them all prostrate on the ground. And so often as he raised them, so often by the divine power were they cast down; nor could they stand upright, but continually were they overthrown. And as Dagon could not stand at the approach of the ark of the testament, so neither could the idols stand at the approach of