Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/242

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all these related the pains which they had suffered, and with one voice declared that the God whom Patrick preached was the true and the living God. Then the King Oengus and all his people, beholding these things, glorified the God who is glorious in His saints, wonderful in His majesty, and eminent in His miracles, such as are never seen on earth; and they honored Patrick as the priest of the high God and His peculiar apostle. And each returned unto his home, saying, This day we have beheld a miracle. And they who had been revived were by Patrick baptized, and, professing a penitent life, they took on them the monastic habit, and, abiding with the blessed Triamus, they remained in holiness and in faith even to their lives' end.


The King's Daughter becomes a Nun.

And Patrick came unto the country of Neyll, wherein reigned a king named Echu, and he had one beloved daughter named Cynnia, whom he intended at a fitting time to give in fitting marriage. And the damsel unfolded to the saint her father's purpose, and he exhorted her to deserve the reward of virginity even an hundred-fold; therefore, rejecting worldly nuptials, she determined to offer herself an undefiled offering unto her celestial Spouse, and to cherish Him in her heart. And the king, beholding her thus steadily to preserve her virgin purity, called unto him the saint, and thus he spake: "I had determined that my daughter should continue unto me a long-descending