Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/246

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name receive baptism unto salvation, so that he might escape that place of torment. And he answered that he firmly believed in the God, whom he knew to be almighty, and in his name desired to receive baptism. And he said that while he had lived he understood of the Creator from the likeness of the created; and though he knew Him not, yet loved he Him according to his ability. Therefore he was baptized by Patrick, and forthwith he expired, and was buried in his former sepulchre; and according to the word of the saint, he was freed from his punishment. And the saint, considering and commending the inestimable riches of the goodness of God, exhorted them all earnestly, faithfully, and continually to love God, and chiefly those who knew and understood Him, affirming that this man had obtained so great a mercy through the earnestness of the love which, though ignorant, he held toward God.


Of Another Man who was Buried and Raised Again.

And a certain prince who reigned in Humestia at the preaching of Patrick believed, and, with all his people, was baptized. But when the saint would have instructed him as to the general resurrection, he could not easily bend thereto his faith, for in nowise could he believe that the body which was once reduced into dust could ever be raised again in the pristine state of its proper but improved nature. So when the man of God, that he might reclaim him from his error, showed divers testimonies of the Holy Writ, examples, signs, and miracles, he is said to have thus