Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/260

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However, these prelates profited much the church of God by their conversation and by their example, and closed their lives in much holiness; for they were wont to relate many miracles to have been worked by the aforementioned seal-skin, the which even to this day remaineth entire, and is preserved as a relic in memory of Saint Patrick.


Saint Patrick Continueth his Preaching Three Days.

And Saint Patrick preached to many people gathered together from divers parts unto a place in Hibernia called Fionnabhair, which, being interpreted, is the White Field. And for three continual days and nights he read and explained to them in their order the four holy books of the evangelists; and all who heard him accounted that not more time had passed than the space but of one day—so happily were they deceived, so profitably were they delighted, by the words of grace which proceeded out of his mouth. O profitable, delightful deception! whereby falsehood is excluded and truth induced; whereby the time is beguiled, and the night is stolen away, and one day is made to appear as three days. Nor let the reader admire for that I call it a deception when the prophet exclaimeth unto his Creator, "O Lord! Thou hast deceived me," and when the Apostle Paul sayeth unto certain of his disciples, "Being crafty, I deceived you with guile." Kind deception which saveth souls! Blessed seduction which induces unto God!