Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/269

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ninth part of all his land; and another brother of his, named Leogerus, was converted unto the faith, and gave unto the saint, with his nephew, fifteen villages. And Saint Patrick baptized the boy, and educated and instructed him; and the boy increased in years, in wisdom, and in holiness, and at length, being renowned in virtue and in miracles, rested he in the Lord.


Of the Woman in Travail, and of her Offspring.

A certain prince, named Brendanus, who was then lately baptized, earnestly besought the saint that he would bless a certain pregnant woman; for he believed that his blessing would much avail unto her and her offspring. And the saint, assenting to his petition, raised his hand; but suddenly, before he had given the word of blessing or had made the sign of the cross, he drew it back. For, at the revelation of the Spirit, he knew that her child was conceived of Coirbre, of whom he had prophesied that not one of his succession should remain. But why the saint thus did the prince marvelled, and unto him the man of God delayed not to declare the mystery nor the cause thereof. Then did he the more earnestly entreat the saint that at least he would in some other manner vouchsafe to bless the woman and her offspring. And Patrick, raising his right hand, blessed her, and said: "The infant which thou bearest in thy womb shall not reign, for the word that in the name of the Lord I have spoken on Coirbre and on his