Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/279

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things, and refreshed themselves with the comfort of mutual colloquy. Then the sea, rising as it was wont, covered the surface of the sands, and was nigh unto bearing with it and carrying away the cowl of the prelate. And this the saint observing, in the name of Him who hath power in heaven and on the earth, in the sea and in all the deeps, enjoined the tide of the sea that it should not touch his cowl or bear it away. Wonderful was the event! The flowing-forward of the sea filled the whole accustomed space, save that spot alone whereon the cowl lay, and that did it leave untouched. And after the tide had receded, the saint caused the cowl to be brought unto him; and the miracle excited all who beheld it unto the praise of God and the veneration of Saint Patrick. And thenceforward were they all more ready to submit unto Him whose commands the mute element was thus sent to obey.


Of the Veil that was sent from Heaven.

And there was a time when Patrick was about to consecrate two virgins in a field within the territory of Cregrus, and a veil sent from heaven dropped into the bosom of the saint, the which, devoutly receiving, he offered unto the virgin so soon as she was consecrated. But she, deeming herself unworthy of a commendation so holy, said unto him: "Since this most excellent and powerful gift, descending from the Father of Light, is not sent unto me a sinner,