Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/284

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gave unto him the alphabet written with his own hand. And being thus blessed, in one day he learned the whole Psaltery, and in a short time, the spirit of wisdom and knowledge inspiring him, he sufficiently understood the Scriptures; for no delay can there be where the Holy Spirit descends to be the teacher. And Saint Patrick advanced him unto the ecclesiastical order, and, after he had worthily ministered in each degree, consecrated him the bishop of the Church of Scleptus. And Fiechus was eminent in his life, in his learning, and in his miracles; and being directed by the angelic command, he took on him the habit of a monk, and builded in his episcopal seat a stately monastery.


The Chariot is, by the Decision of the Angel, sent unto Fiechus.

The blessed Patrick gave order that a chariot should be prepared unto Saint Fiechus, for that he, being weighed down by infirmity, could not go on foot to visit his diocese and discharge his episcopal duties. For he was reduced with exceeding abstinence, and moreover he was afflicted with a disease in his hip. And Saint Secundinus, this observing, felt in his mind certain worldly feelings, and was displeased, and insisted that the chariot should rather be given unto himself than unto Fiechus. And the holy prelate, seeing his displeasure, sought rather to satisfy him with a sign than by argument, saying: "Be not displeased, most dear brother, at this little gift which we have given unto our brother and fellow-bishop, lest occasion of reproach