Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/298

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many and wondrous traditions are told among that people. And Euchodius in a short time lost both his life and hit kingdom, and thereto not one of his race succeeded. But his aforementioned brother and his descendants through many years possessed the kingdom of Ulydia.


Of Saint Sennachus the Bishop.

In the place which is named Achadhfobhair Saint Patrick built and endowed a church with fair possessions; and thereover he appointed and consecrated a bishop, Sennachus, who for the innocency of his heart was called a lamb of God. And he, being so consecrated, entreated of the saint that with unceasing prayer he would labor with the Lord to shield him in this his office from the commission of all sin; and furthermore he suppliantly besought that the church over which he presided might not be called by his name, as was in many places the custom among the Irish people. And this did he to preserve his lowliness, and to avoid vainglory, which is the fretting moth of all virtues. Then Saint Patrick, understanding the worthiness of Sennachus and the simplicity of his heart, promised unto him all his desire; and blessing him and his flock, prophesied that thereout should proceed many holy and eminent priests. And Sennachus, serving in exceeding holiness the Holy One of all holies, and being renowned for his miracles and for his virtues, entered at length into the heavenly sanctuary.