Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/306

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as brightness. And the light piercing through the darkness poured around the man concealing himself, nor could he longer hide from before the face of the light. Then Victor by so signal a sign being vanquished, and being even as bound with the chains of the fear of the Lord, came unto Saint Patrick, and devoutly entreated and received from him the holy baptism. And being with all his household and all his people baptized, he gave unto the saint his inheritance for the erection of a church, and among his disciples he abided. And after a while he increased in holiness and in the knowledge of the divine law, and being at length consecrated by Saint Patrick, he received in that church the episcopal degree, and for his virtues and his merits was he very renowned.


A Certain Cymbal of Saint Patrick is lost and found again.

A certain man of the servants of Saint Patrick carelessly lost a cymbal; when lost he sought it, when sought he found it not, when found not he therefore sorely repented. And the saint forgave him, and directed that no longer he should seek for the cymbal, until in that place a church should be builded. And after a long time had passed, a certain religious man named Dicullus builded there a church, and there found the aforementioned cymbal; and in that church placed he it. And many who were infirm, drinking out of or being sprinkled with water