Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/310

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Saint Kertennus there dwelling, and exercising within doors the office of an abbot, and abroad the office of a bishop, cherished his gray hairs, and finished his life in holiness.


Of a Boy who was blessed by Saint Patrick.

And a certain woman, who was strong in the faith, brought unto the saint her little son named Lananus, to be instructed in letters; and for that she believed his blessing would render the child more docile and ready unto learning, humbly she besought on her son the benediction of his grace. Nor was she deceived in her faith, inasmuch as the saint covered him with the aspiration of his blessing, and assisted him with the divine favor; and he impressed on the boy the sign of the cross, and committed him unto Saint Cassanus, that he might be instructed in virtue and in learning. And the boy thus blessed, in fifteen days learned the whole Psaltery; and afterwards he became a man of most holy life, and shining in miracles rested he at length in the Lord.


Of a Woman who was raised from Death.

And Ethra, the wife of a noble man named Euchadius, lay dead; and he, carrying her body placed on a bier, met Saint Patrick near a certain ford in Connactia. And with many