Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/318

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The Penitence of Machaldus.

And Machaldus their chief falling at Saint Patrick's feet, confessed his sins and entreated with many tears that a life of penitence might be appointed unto him, whereby he might attain the life of eternity. And the saint, inspired of Heaven, enjoined him that he should utterly renounce his native soil and give all his substance to the poor; and he clothed Machaldus in a vile and rough garment, and chained him with chains of iron, and cast the key thereof into the ocean. Likewise he commanded him to enter, alone, without oars, into a boat made only of hides, and that on whatsoever country he should land under the guidance of the Lord there should he serve Him even unto the end of his days. And the man, truly repenting, did as his pastor enjoined; for he, alone, chained with iron chains, bearing on his head the tonsure as the token of penitence, entered the boat; and under the protection of God he committed himself unto the waves, and was borne by them unto the Island Eubonia, which is called Mannia. And therein were two bishops, named Connidrius and Romulus, whom Saint Patrick himself had consecrated and appointed to rule over the people of that island and to instruct them in the faith of Christ after the death of Germanus the first bishop. And they, beholding Machaldus, marvelled much, and they pitied his misery; and when they understood the cause, received him kindly and retained him with themselves. And after he had for some space there abided, a fish was one day taken in the sea and brought unto their dwelling; and when the fish was opened before them, a key