Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/336

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with so great abundance of trees that in no future time could they be entirely destroyed. And in the rivers, where the deceivers, fraudful both in heart and word, had shown unto the saint a deep abyss instead of a safe ford, passed he over safely, having first blessed the passage, and changed the abyss into a ford; and the ford which before was pervious unto all changed he unto a deep abyss.


The Acts of St. Patrick after he had Returned.

And after his long journey was finished, he consoled his people with his presence; and he appointed unto the Lord's field thirty bishops which he had chosen and in foreign countries had consecrated, for that the harvest was many, and the laborers few. Therefore began he the more frequently to assemble holy synods of bishops, to celebrate solemn councils, and whatsoever he found contrary to the ecclesiastical institutes or the Catholic faith, that did he take away and annul; and whatsoever he found accordant to the Christian law, to justice, or to the sacred canons, and consonant to good morals, that did he direct and sanction. And daily he shone with innumerable miracles, and whatsoever with his lips he appointed or taught, that did he confirm by most signal miracles; whence it came to pass that all deservedly admired him, by whose kindness all the inhabitants of that island are through ages blessed; as in the sequel more fully shall we endeavor to show.