Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/366

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wall, and separated the contending people, so that they could neither behold nor attack one the other; and thus corporeally separated, united them unto the concord of mutual peace. Then the people being restrained from their fury, the waters surceased from their fury also.


Two Wains appear, the which are sent by a Miracle.

Then, the swelling waves of the sea being reduced and returned unto themselves, two oxen appear, seeming to draw toward Dunum a wain laden with a noble burden, the holy body; the which the people and clergy of Ultonia followed with exceeding devotion, with psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs. And plainly it showed that vehicle which formerly bore the ark of the covenant from Acharon unto Getht. But by all these wonders the fury of the Ardmachians is not appeased; for still is their hand prepared unto battle, that the body of their prelate, their primate, their patron, might not be riven from them. Nevertheless, the divine Providence took heed that occasion of contest should not any more be ministered; for another wain appearing, drawn by two oxen, went before the Ardmachians, even like the former wain which had borne the sacred body unto Dunum; and they stayed not to follow its track, believing that it carried the precious burden, until it came within the borders of Ardmachia, unto a certain river which is named Caucune. Then the visionary wain disappeared; and the people, frustrated of their hope, unsatisfied and sad, returned unto their dwellings.