Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/40

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To the servant of Milcho 'twas said
To pass o'er the seas and the plain;
Then stood angel Victor on rock,
And his footprints to this day remain.


Departed Saint Patrick o'er Alps—
On his way all successful he hies;
And with German remained in the South
'Neath Letavia's wide-spreading skies.


In the isles of the Tyrrhenian sea
Saint Patrick some period awaits,
And as canon with German he reads,
As his history still to us states


To Hibernia Saint Patrick returned,
By visions from angels induced;
For visions to him appeared oft,
And his mind to subjection reduced.


Soul-saving was Patrick's intent,
For 'twas to far Foclut's dark flood;
He had heard the entreaty and wail
Of children in Foclut's far woods.