Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/45

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Bethoron a battle beheld
Of great Nun against Chanaan's sons,
In which Gabaon saw the sun stand,
As the Scriptural narrative runs.


For brave Josue stood the bright sun
To witness the wicked all slain;
Why not for Saint Patrick thrice more
To illumine Hibernia's plain?


For all Eire's good clergy were come
To bury Saint Patrick with pride;
And the sounds of the singing from heaven
Cast them sleeping all round, far and wide.


Saint Patrick's pure soul fled his frame
(His works immortality make);
And on the first night after death,
The angels of God watched his wake.


And when Patrick departed from life,
To the other Saint Patrick came he;
And to Jesus, of Mary the Son,
The two passed, bright and pure, great and free.