Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/68

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consilio Victoris acceperat, et deinceps post mortuos suscitatos, post multum populum ad Deum conversum, et post Episcopos et presbyteros in ecclesiis ordinatos, et toto ordine Ecclesiastico conversa tota Scotia ad fidem Christi, anno aetatis suae cxii. obdormivit in vitam aeternam.


EUNTES ergo docete omnes gentes baptizantes eos in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, docentes eos observare omnia quaecumque mandavi vobis, etc.

When Patrick came with his fleet to Erinn, to preach to the Gaeidhel, and went to Tara, he left Lomman in Inbher-Boinne, to take care of his ships, during the forty nights of the Lent. Patrick commanded him to row his vessel against the [current of the] Boyne, until he would arrive at the place were to-day Ath-Truim [Trim] is—at that time the dún of Fedhlimidh, where he (Lomman) found the son of Laeghaire MacNeill—i.e., at Ath-Truim. And in the morning, Fortchern, Fedhlimidh's son, went and found Lomman, and his gospels before him. He wondered at the precepts he heard. He believed, and was baptized by Lomman. And Fortchern was listening to the instruction, until his mother went to seek him. She welcomed the clerics, for she was of the Britons, viz.: Scoth, daughter of the king of Britain. Fedhlimidh himself came to converse with Lomman; and he believed, and presented Ath-Truim to God and Patrick, and to Lomman, and to Fortchern. Patrick