Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/74

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brothers, who had fostered Laeghaire's two daughters, Ethne the Fair, and Feidelm the Red) heard all that Patrick had done, they brought thick darkness over all Magh-Nai, through the power of the demon, for the space of three days and three nights. Patrick thereupon prayed to God, and bent his knees, and blessed the plain, so that there was darkness for the druids, and light for all others. And he gave thanks to God, and all the darkness was banished from Magh-Ai. And they went past the Shannon to Duma-graidh, where he ordained Ailbhe, a noble priest, who is [commemorated] in Senchua in Ui-Ailella; and Patrick instructed him regarding a stone altar [which was] in the mountain of Ui-Ailella, underground, and four glass Chalices at its four corners: et dixit cavendum ne frangerantur orae fossurae. Inter nepotes etiam Ailello fuit, et baptizavit Maineum sanctum quem ordinavit Episcopus Bronus filius Iccni qui est i Caisel-Irra, servus Dei socius Patricii. Patrick went to Magh-glas, where he founded Cill-mor of Magh-glas; and he left two of his people there, viz., Conleng and Ercleng. Deinde venit in fines Corcu-Achland, to the south of Ui-Ailella, and to the north of Badhghna. There were two brothers there, viz., Id and Hono, who were druids. Hono asked Patrick, "What will you give me for this land?" Patrick answered "Eternity." Hono said, "You possess gold: give it to me for it." Patrick replied, "I have given much, but God will give more." He afterwards found a mass of gold in the place where the pigs had been rooting, and Patrick gave the mass of gold to him (i.e., to Hono) for his land. Tir-in-brotha is its name now. Dixit Patricius, "Nec rex eris nec de semine tuo regnabit in aeternum." Illius vero lacrimis misertus est Patricius, dicens, "Non erit rex quem tua progenies