Page:The museum, (Jackson, Marget Talbot, 1917).djvu/262

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thing similar to the temporary receipt form printed. These should be numbered consecutively and are convenient if made in book form although in tablet form they can be used in the typewriter.

One other form is necessary, and that is the sticker to be attached to objects taken out of the building. Persons entering the building are obliged to leave parcels, etc., at the door unless they ask for the director and have something to show him. In this case they are allowed to take the package in but they may not take it out unless it is provided with a pass made in two pieces, a stub which is glued to the package, and an end which is torn off by the gate keeper and returned to the office. Objects going out by the receiving-room door must all be checked by the packer or superintendent of buildings, and do not need this tag. Since the theft of the Mona Lisa, a visitor to the Louvre is not allowed to take from the building a photograph or a package of postcards which he has bought in the gallery, without being provided with a pass one end of which is pasted over the joining of the wrapping paper so as to insure the impossibility of opening it and substituting some other object. These stickers are best made of paper that is not too thick and should be well gummed.

Form letters are used by some large museums