Page:The museum, (Jackson, Marget Talbot, 1917).djvu/298

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($10), may become an annual member and shall, with members of his or her family and non-resident guests, be entitled at all times to free admission to all lectures and other entertainments given by the Society, to all temporary exhibitions held under the auspices of the Society, and to all permanent exhibitions of the Society in the rooms or buildings occupied by it from time to time.

The dues of annual members shall become payable on the first day of November in each year, and the name of any annual member whose dues shall not be paid by the first day of January next following, shall be stricken from the rolls and the membership rights shall be withdrawn.

Article VI


The Trustees shall cause to be provided suitable certificates of membership for the various classes of members of the Society. One of such certificates, signed by the President and counter-signed by the Secretary, shall be delivered to each member of the Society, according to his class.