Page:The museum, (Jackson, Marget Talbot, 1917).djvu/60

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ferred to plates in the Museum of Fine Arts Communications to the Trustees, No. III, The Museum Commission in Europe, and to J. Guadet, Eléments et Théorie de L'Architecture, Tome II, Livre VII, Chapter VII; Dr. Heinrich Wagner, Handbuch der Architektur, IV Theil, 6 Halbband, 4 Heft, "Museen."

The monitor or lantern light has been developed in England with much satisfaction and was

Double Glazed
Ordinary Skylight

Vertical Monitor
With Some Top-light

Types of Top-Lighted Galleries

studied very thoroughly by the late Professor Lichtwark of Hamburg who adapted it in various forms for use on the new Kunsthalle in that city. It has the advantage of not becoming clogged with snow in winter, of being easy to ventilate and of reducing the glare of light on the floor in the middle of the room. Architecturally it has a certain disadvantage in that it stands rather high above the surrounding roof of the