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The Planets, Earth and Moon.

For the benefit of numerous students of astralism who have the necessary knowledge and means of tracing these bodies in their revolution about the sun we give a very brief synopsis of their characteristic effects.
Planet of impulse. Passion, sex love, activity, sudden changes. Stimulator of magnetism. Accidents. Quickener of effects of other planets. Rules fevers and all inflammatory diseases. H
Planet of love. Beauty, purity, devotion, harmony, ideality, spirituality, affection, esteem, kindness, blandness, music, poetry, art, grace, connubial love, honor and truth, Rules emotional diseases. H
Planet of war. Inharmony, quarrels, law suits, combativeness, antagonism, strength, vitality, sex force, restlessness under restraint. Rules liver and bilious diseases, headache and dyspepsia. C
Planet of Wealth. Power, avariciousness, pride, control, governing force, greatness, elegance, order, ascendancy, love of money, strength of will, selfish instinct, memory of events, firmness. Rules appoplexy and many diseases of the brain. D
Planet of inharmony. Sickness, death, enmity, anger, selfishness, intoxication, gluttony, poverty, disgrace, ill luck, hardship. Rules diseases of all kinds, in each house of the Zodiac. S
Planet of Labor. Domesticity, love of nature and the young, life force high, veneration, justice, foresight, frugality, ingenuity. Appertains to the ground. Rules tveakness and all diseases caused by a low vibratory force. D
Planet of water. Locality, or power to remember places, bibativeness, sailing, traveling, sublimity or love of the marvelous, intuition, application, eventuality, self control. Rules rheumatism and all diseases made worse by dampness. D
MOON. Satellite of earth. Rules all forms of insanity and crankiness. Effect constant upon inhabitants of earth but varied by polar changes.
EARTH. Planet of selfishness. Grasping, greed, acquisitiveness, tyranny, love of money and power, effect constant upon the inhabitants thereof, but changed according to polarity of earth in the various houses. C