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loads of carbon and metalic vapors now held from its surface by the power of heat vibrations, and he will become the abode of human beings. There, under the ever present and ever acting laws of evolution those beings will arrive at a high state of civilization, growth and spiritual power.

At first they will be obliged to pass through the errors and follies incident to all early growths. The people will allow kings and self-appointed priests to rule over them. Human liberty will be trampled in the dust for ages and ages.

But the time will come when the "Religion of the Stars" will be the religion of Jupiter, and kings and priests will be no more forever on that planet.

There are many reasons for this prediction. One is that Jupiter is inclined but slightly to the plane of the ecliptic, which will make the seasons uniform and the effects from magnetic conditions very constant. While the enormous length of time that the planet will be in a condition to sustain life, will give ample scope for the work of evolution to advance the people to a high state of unfoldment.

But our business is with our own little insignificant speck of a planet, at present, so we will endeavor to not wander away again.