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Why is it, think you, that the same tarot of cards, when made of different emblems, changes its properties? If one or more have this property, why not all?

24 50 52
70 42 14
32 34 60

Again, when we find the spirit of these cards so completely different from the solar values and spot values, why should they ever form a perfect tarot?

The reason is this, because these cards have divine properties, or occult properties not possessed by any other book that ever existed upon our planet.

For the purpose of further illustration of this point we will again produce the sacred star and examine into its properties.

The tarot in the center shows the emblems of wisdom, running from the quarter of labor to the quarter of knowledge. The queen of love rules upon the point of the star where the four of hearts represents satisfaction in love and friendship. The knave of hearts is in the point of "power in love" and his position corresponds to the male birth house, that is, Aries.

The king of hearts is in the place of marriage, that is, the house of Gemini.

Upon the points, the seven of hearts, with the double signification, spiritually good; physically bad; rules with Leo,